Yonder Songwriter Showcase

Yonder Songwriter ShowcaseOriginal Live Music 2022wed21dec7:00 pmwed9:00 pm

Event Details

Every third Wednesday Kirk Ridge brings the Triangle’s most talented singer/songwriters to Yonder.

Join us for our Holiday Edition featuring Husband and wife duo Eileen Regan and Tim Smith.

Husband and wife duo Eileen Regan (fiddle, vocals) and Tim Smith have honed their craft learning at the Swannanoa Gathering from the giants of Celtic music. Tim and Eileen and others form the band Big Celtic Fun. Big Celtic Fun’s recent CD has been featured on WUNC’s Back Porch Music.

and Kirk Ridge

Kirk Ridge has had songs featured on NPR’s Car Talk and Belfast’s Celtic Roots Radio and was highlighted on the 2020 NCNPR Tiny Desk show. His lyrics have been published in American Songwriter Magazine. Kirk co-hosts the weekly “Pass The Hat” radio show on WHUP that features live original music.


December 21, 2022 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm(GMT-04:00)

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